About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Special Day

Today is a very, very important day in history.  No, this is not a lead into the mention of random, silly holiday.  According to the "validated" calendars, December is the following (to list a few):  Root Vegetables and Exotic Food Month, National Write a Business Plan Month, National Tie Month... and Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day, Day Without Art Day, Rosa Parks Day, etc.  I'm not talking about those things.  Today is an extremely special day.

Some things change... hair-styles, clothing, etc.
Kel's beauty does change... it continues to increase!!!  Don't be fooled, this was not taken almost 14 years ago when we got married!  This picture is about a year old!
Yes, today is the day I celebrate my precious wife's birthday.  Continuing with the patterns in my life, experiencing conflicting feelings simultaneously.  So, so, so grateful for my wife.  There is no one on the planet like her, and I mean that in the most positive way possible.  At the same time my heart's really struggling that I'm over 300 miles away from her.  Aware that her life has continued in the same routine today... aware that she's continued to serve all day (every day) without a break... aware that her special day was probably not so special.  That really makes me sad.

As I'm separated from her I think of her all the time.  Seems I catch myself telling everyone who's willing to listen about my wife and kids.  Today I've been thinking even more than normal about her.  Below are a few words that have come to mind when thinking about Kel.

truth speaker
worship leader
capturer of memories
giver of life

I've struggled with these words because I just can't communicate it well enough... these words are a feeble attempt to capture a multi-dimensional, complex beauty.  One I pray to become more like.

In the last two or three days I've caught myself telling parts of my story quite often.  I share the how's and when's and where's of my ministry positions.  Those stories are incomplete without the mention of Kelly... so they've all involved her.  One story I've told several times...when Kelly and I got engaged, I was working full-time as an intern at Cedar Springs Presbyterian (October 1997).  She said, "I'll marry you, but promise me that you won't move me away from my family for at least two years!"  If you know me, I'm slow to process.  I like to think things through for a long time... so much so that I've driven many people crazy.  However, this time I didn't even need a nano-second to decide this.  The answer to her request was a rare instance that I knew my response immediately.  In my mind I thought, "If you'll marry me, I'll live anywhere you want!"  Not sure exactly the words I communicated, but that was my heart's cry then... and I mean it more than ever today.

Kelly, I love you more than ever.  You're more beautiful today than you've ever been.  I deeply love you and respect you.  Thank you for being you.  It's more than enough.

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