About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

freedom's song

The night's dark still remains, and I am up early over here on Ridgegate... expectations, a busy mind, and a hacking cough have bid me to rise early.  I am excited about today.  Today leads us into the new.  Our family has already started singing our new song... we are singing it loud, and we are dancing too.

About a year ago I started a tradition with our smalls.  We have dance parties.  They have become staples around here.  It was birthed out of wanting to remind my oldest princess not to take herself to seriously... it was a good lesson for her momma as well.  It's important when leading learners into the new to participate alongside.  They are now a staple in this House of Hope.  Our hearts love to play and dance to the tune of music.

Music has a way of setting the soul free and bringing life.  I believe great truth exists in the verse that states our Good Daddy inhabits the praises of His people... in those spaces life is full.  We offer praises a lot around her because it brings joy to do so... and fresh life is awakened as we dance.
As the music starts the older princesses squeal wild and nearly choke each other with excitement.  I giggle and then suggest they let loose... of each other and themselves.  Sometimes we need reminders.  I too have family doing this for me.
The oldest princess... above is really learning how to be free.  She is still tempted by the hide, but she is seeking freedom, and it is being found.

A year ago young prince started out timid... but he is timid no more.  He has moves and wants to share. 

White boy-prince loves to breakdance.  He is full of giggles... he peeks to make sure I see him living and dancing.

His little body and expressions are so inviting...
Charli has become the new star of our dance parties.  The girls often celebrate her offerings... whether we are in the car listening or at home dancing... the youngest is learning, and she brings freely.  She has music-alive in her soul.

The girls love teaching Charli to dance... so does her momma...
The youngest claps... she loves to be held... she loves music, and she loves love...  she teaches as well.
There's something almost magical about music... it brings out the child in us, and its tune releases strength in us... it sets the contained-wild free...

Freedom... music brings freedom if we let it... freedom is what my heart longs for... As we enter into the new song of 2012, I pray FREEDOM over me... over my family... over the body.  And what started out as a tool to help empower a young princess teaches the broken momma too.  My wild is still growing, and so I continue to seek freedom's song... His song of love over me and in me.  Our family is claiming 2012 to be a year of restoration, healing, abundant harvests, supernatural encounters, Spirit-alive, JOY, laughter, play, growth, dancing and FREEDOM... 

With his signature move our young-pastor prince is leading the way...
We see, we accept, We HOPE,  we ask for all these things, and we dance... 

Inviting you to join in and bring the song The Father is singing loudly in your heart for this 2012!

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