About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

savoring the now

As I type this I am sitting listening to the sounds of nature on my Dad's back porch.  The roofers next door were prayed into a lunch break by yours truly, and peace is everywhere.  The chimes are lightly sounding, and I am thankful for this unhurried moment.  We are in a season where our lives are full of constant change and more is certainly on it's way.  I close my eyes and I savor the now....for in a moment the now with be then.

I got lessons on savoring the sweetness of the moment this past Sabbath.  I took a cue from a woman I respect and made freshly-milled, whole wheat cinnamon rolls for the tiny people that live in my house.  I do not make them often so it was a real treat.  My kitchen was all abuzz with excitement.....thank you's and giggles were in excess.  I smiled and savored the joy I was imparting.
Children have the gift of excitement....they have no problem celebrating the moment....they fully engage in delight.
First bites of the sweet are often the best......but.....
the reminders of goodness that come with the following bites are....
worthy of savoring....and invite us to more!

The princesses enjoy theirs too.....smiling....mmmm'ing....it's a good momma moment....and I smile too.

  Lu makes sure I see her enjoying...licking her sticky, icing fingers...more savoring.
Shorty, forgetting anyone else is around just dives right in....peeling away and savoring the layers. She cares little about the evidence of delight all over her face.  It's a gift to be able to risk delighting in ways that others can't help but notice.
And, just when I think the time on the delight clock has run out...I peek over my shoulder to see my oldest princess still in the school of savoring.  She is at the sink "washing" her breakfast dish with her finger and tongue...enjoying every last remnant of the moment before.
Most of my minutes, days and hours are spent wondering what is coming and planning for that.  I forget to be blessed in the now.  I have a lot to learn about the art of savoring....moments fade so quickly...even now, the roofers have returned, and my silence has been replaced by the echoing of hammers hitting rooftops.  There will always be change...and so I must learn how how to savor in its midst.  

I speak from my heart when I say I do not know what tomorrow holds, and this has been known to shake me, but I don't want to miss the beauty of now because I am spending it calculating instead of savoring.  Right now, I am going to enjoy my view.

I am going to enjoy some semi-quiet freedom and the picture before me of my Pastor doing some savoring of his own.....
us...learning....experiencing....and SAVORING...together.....thankful!

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