About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Monday, September 26, 2011

little Noah's

This afternoon I spent some time with Emmiline and Eloise reviewing their church lesson.  It was a lesson on Noah's risky and odd faith.  It was the perfect lesson for me, because I need constant reminders of the faith-builders that have gone before me.....bold faith when things don't make sense....
A couple of weeks ago we took our kids to the park.  One of Emmiline's long-term goals has been to complete the monkey bars.  She was full of heart and lacking some strength.  It has been a process.  I was committed to help her achieve this goal...and it was going to take some heart, practice and a lot of faith that she could actually do it.  While we were at the park she was ready to test it out...she swung to one bar and then the next and dropped.  I could see her discouragement.  It made my heart sink right along with hers.  Eloise came after her and completed the task with little effort.
She did it.  It took strength and determination.  It took practice for her too.  She wanted it, and she went after it believing what I have told her and what she knew to be true....she could do it....and she did.

Watching her sister complete the task was all Emmiline needed to see to know it could be done...and realizing it could be done by her.  Her eyes were so full of determination...so full of desire...  
SHE DID IT!  I was so proud, and she was glowing!  She had a dream in her heart that seemed impossible to her...and me...at times...but she didn't give up..
She kept swinging one bar at a time until she accomplished what she set out to do.  I am sure in the moment she felt like giving up...most likely wrestled with the voices in her head that screamed..."LET GO...THIS IS TOO HARD FOR YOU....GIVE UP!"  Sometimes the vision that comes from watching and learning from those who have gone before us allows us to draw strength from their stories.  Seeing Eloise empowered Emmiline with courage and knowledge that it could be done, and it could be done by her.

As I continue to learn on my own monkey bars and my fingers continually slip off the rungs I am so thankful for the Noahs...and their stories of faith.  God knew I would need such stories to spur me on.  Maybe someday my story will also offer hope and courage to the person standing behind me waiting for their turn on the bars...today, I am thanking God for all the men and women that have gone before me and for their perseverance...we are raising up little Noah's around here and I am still on the playground of learning myself. 

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