About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Feasting is something the Vaughans excel at.  We are just peeps that know how to eat.  We love food, and we love superhuman quantities.  I can't explain it... we just have over-sized appetites.  We hunger, and we love being filled.

There's A LOT of junk in our world.  It's garbage covered in frosting.  It attracts and many buy into its deception of filling voids.  Empty is how it leaves us.
Seeing God's kindness through the lens of food allergies today.  It's a call for family to read every label and protect...  a call to be aware out of sheer necessity... a call out of the norm and into the accountable.
It can be hard at times for this momma's heart to have smalls that can't partake in the norm.  Yes, they are special... and being special in this culture often means "left out."  I hate picturing them being with the masses... not being able to "enjoy" watching and wondering what it must be like.  

And... I remember the invitation to feast on Living Bread... choosing food-alive and health-protection over "popular" consumption... it divides... it feels costly.  

Even in the hard and through the tears I am thankful for protection and growing wisdom.  We are to be a people "set apart."  In the world and not of it.

Celebrating grateful smalls that take delight and see value in the whole... no frosting... just bars that fill and bring delight with the taste.
The invitation to feast is everywhere, but what we choose to feast on either gives life or over time... destroys.

Being a momma is a great privilege... it comes with great responsibility.  I am in charge of not only teaching them to nourish their physical man but more importantly their spiritual man.

Will they choose the whole or the world's fragments?

I am accountable to put healthy tools in the hands of the small.
I love watching the young royals feast.  Their eyes come awake.
Their appetites increase... until they can wait no longer.
They taste and see that it is indeed good.
Most of my life I have feasted at the world's table.  I am seeking detox from all the lies I have consumed.  Toxic foods cause cancers of the body and soul.

We must have trained minds that brush out what so easily builds up...  protecting the pure white so decay doesn't rot and dig holes deep.
We are seeking many forms of healing... some for us... some for the body.   The heart of The Father is being revealed to us like never before.  

His loving rays fill and invite us to leave the world's offerings and feast at His table... to dine by the light of His truth while being filled by the love in His eyes.
The invitation is daily, and it's for you and for me.  He fills in ways that satisfy yet entices.  He emptys the old and fills anew.  

Will we feast with the King?

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