About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

wanna know a secret???

I'm changing.

The change has been slow and steady for this radical princess.  I normally "go big, or go home."  This change has been long.  It has been hard.  It has been full of tears and full of joy.  It was born out of death and has birthed new life.

The change can't be seen by all... but for the knowing and the seeing... a change in color is occurring.
Most of my life I have tried to reproduce... blend in... rise up or above... striving-full...

Now, I am settling into me.  A princess with cold feet... borrowing socks from her Pastor and inviting warmth and beauty out of the awkward.

I am delighted to say I have worn these out.. TO NICE PLACES... with giggles in my heart.  Oh... how change has come and is still coming.

Most of the change is inconsequential.  Many wouldn't care or even notice... but the one who wants to enjoy the fruit chooses to see each new ray of color and delights.
Each day provides a new invitation to embrace the calling to be "good fruit."  Somedays are harder than others.  New life suffocates the old, and it costs.

Others... laughter abounds and joy roots itself deep in the changing heart.  I can see it.  It is subtle, but it is sure. 

Living in a bowl of green trying to be red can sure feel tricky... it can feel lonely too.
I have a prince and 3 princesses.  I long for them to embrace freedom, and let their own colors shine forth.  In my change... I long to be a change-maker... for the VINE.  They see the change...  they are watching... always watching... I can feel it... 

What happens when your affection is set on the VINE?  
The secrets of the fruit spill forth.  Change multiplies.  We become reproducers of THE REPRODUCING ONE.  We bring our life's offering... we worship with our best tool... our color.  The color He gave us.  The color He is perfecting.  The color no one else can shine.

Oh...if only I could flip through and see all the beauty-change that has been and is occurring in me. 

My eyes may not always notice the change taking place in my bowl... but my seeing heart can look around at the change that is taking place in the small... and they reflect the big.
They are learning from their momma how to use their own brilliant color to radiate HIM... to reflect The Vine of HOPE.

The secret... well, it's not gonna make the Enquirer.  Too bad... I'd rather enjoy some "fun money."  In all honesty... the secret is really a gift whispered to me by the Spirit...

That even when my hope is a little broken...
or I am feeling a little dull...like I am losing my luster.  The Promise-Keeper is always faithful to bring out new depths and new shades... He is a beauty-making GOD, and He never stops doing this in me.  

My heart is frolicking in the change... and I know the importance of eyes fixed on the Change-Maker... delighting in the depths of my new shade of red...

For, red is not only a color that reflects my hope... it is also a color that reflects the payment for the gift.
A tree of hope... bearing color-filled fruit... stained by the Artist's loving hands.

More change in color to come...

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