About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


AV here tonight.  Got a new item on my prayer list lately.

Not sure about you, but I've been known to break and lose sunglasses on occasion.  However, I got a pair of sunglasses from my aunt when I was 14 years old.  They're Vuarnet sunglasses.  If you're around my age, you might remember the Vuarnet t-shirts.  Their glasses were somewhat popular before Tom Cruise made Ray Ban's aviator sunglasses the fad.

Now, it's hard to get an idea of the scale of these glasses.  We'll just say that the lenses are very large.  You know how you might see an extremely stylish young person wearing something that seems like it's vintage (i.e. a leisure suit with the butterfly collar)?  Then you might see the same outfit on a much older person, and it just seems really old school.  Well, I represent the old school group.  Aware of that.  Not bothered by it actually.

I found this pair in a case in my dresser.  One of my drawers could potentially have almost anything in it... much more impressive than your traditional junk drawer.  Because I had broken my last pair of glasses (and because I'm kind of cheap), I have worn these for quite awhile now.  No, I'm not retro.  I am aware that these were in style when I got them (in 1988).  I'm aware that I'm clinging to styles of the past.

In fact, I still wear these shoes that I got in 1998.  Not sure how many pairs of shoe laces I've been through, but I am aware that my current pair is falling apart.
We'll just say that I haven't really changed with the times.  Guess that's further confirmation that I haven't done well with change in the past.  Hoping that what's been in style in the past will return to cool.

These glasses may not be stylish in terms of shape, size, color, etc, but they are quality sunglasses.  There's no question that they're far better than the gas station or Dollar Tree versions I often use.  The lenses are polarized, and the tinting is really quality.  However, when I look through them, I see colors very differently than they appear to the naked eye.  Some colors are much more brilliant.  Early fall as the leaves are changing... man, they're amazing.  Some colors are hard to distinguish.  When I'm playing "punch buggie" (where you call our the color of the Volkswagen Bug), I can't always see the colors accurately.  With a very competitive daughter that doesn't always bode well for me in that game.

I share that because I'm praying for new lenses for my eyes.  Whether I look ridiculous or not, I don't really care.  I just want to see much differently.

My beautiful bride sees with whole new eyes.  Somehow she's able to see God working in what you and I look right over every day.  She's able to see God speaking in all kinds of things... a bowl of green tomatoes that also contains one slightly red tomato... an old rusty nail sticking out of a piece of wood... an image of 3 birds... well, the list never ends.  I love that I often hear, "That speaks to me."  Sometimes it speaks in a whisper, and she has to listen for awhile.  Other times it speaks loudly and clearly.

Praying that my eyes see Him in new ways.  Wanting to be more aware of the little things He's doing and saying all day... every day.  Even if I have to look silly (like I do in my sunglasses), I really want to see better.  Celebrating my wife's vision.

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