About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Today I have been stuck.
Stuck... Not in a bad way... though some of the ways have been costly... most of them were pretty sweet... like this spot...
We hang this kissing ball every year in our home.  Our kids love to say that we are stuck if we pass under, and then we have to wait for someone to rescue us with a sweet kiss.  

This afternoon as I walked under with Bud... he quickly reminded me that I was stuck, and I would need a rescuer.  He was happy to help his momma out...
And she was so, so, so happy to receive.
This might be my new favorite spot... I need to get stuck here more often.

I felt stuck in another way... in a way that exposed some places in my heart.  We recently got rid of our fridge, and my mom kindly offered to let us use hers.  Pastor has been gone so we enlisted the help of my precious father-in-law and my brother.  As I waited for the delivery I was very aware... painfully aware of the sacrifice these two men were making on my behalf as well as their families.  I felt stuck... stuck because I keep finding myself in positions of need... the needs are met, and I want to repay.  I hate debt... I hate owing.  Neediness makes me feel all hot and bothered.  It makes me feel afraid.   It seems God still has much to teach me about neediness and the body.

What I didn't expect was how He would bless me in the waiting.  My girls and I had unhurried time with their Papaw, and I sensed God's presence... good conversation was had by all... conversation that would not have been if I hadn't been needy.

And, as the two men worked... Young Pastor- Brother and Papaw... I received the blessings of servant hands.
Hearts that choose to be available.  Bodies that lend and lift.  Hands that teach this old heart.  I want to serve like this.  I want to be like these.

I've been studying a lot lately.  God keeps showing me things that honor him... from the lesson plans of the lives I love...  I see... and I hunger to learn.  Learning is a gift... especially when you get to learn from your family.

Stuck... it seems I can get stuck in the sweet and the sticky... but, I am seeing I can receive in both.  I can learn in both... I can love in both.  Both can be used to shape me in ways that bring Him glory... and that is what I long for...  whether I am dealing with the hidden parts of my heart that need exposing or just stuck under the kissing ball, with a handsome prince in my arms.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful message of your heart - i pray that God will continue to speak to you and teach you and just draw you ever closer to His precious side. He is so amazing.

    happy birthday :)
