About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Friday, November 9, 2012

little girl in waiting...

The last two years...
I have been a little girl in waiting...
Longing for this very season.

Not because the move is complete...
Our family... finally reunited...
Or that I finally get to enjoy being part of a church family again.
All are wonderful...
But the real fire burns from...
The greatest kindling for God...
I can remember having.

I'm a daughter...
Deeply desiring more of His presence...
Seeking any and all windows...
Overcome with a craving...
Simply to be used.

I must confess...
I have spent most of my years with what a famous author might diagnose as...
"Leprosy of the heart."
I have loved...
But not with my whole heart.

All symptoms infecting me...
Keeping me from loving fully.

It has brought new forms of hope...
Miraculous wellness...
New life.

Sometimes all that we have...
Keeps us from having nothing...
Nothing can be the one thing we need the most...
In order for God to have the space He craves...
For our feet to gain new strength...
To stand firm...
On His foundations of FAITH.

He is the author...
The perfecter...
The lover...
He is not afraid to touch the leper.

I know...
My heart has been touched by His hand...
My eyes have seen...
A woman hindered...
Set free.

And because I am a woman-unsettled...
You will always find me...
Peeking and hoping for MORE.
A little girl in waiting...
With NOTHING but Him to offer.

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