Many, Many, Many....
Of our hours in Africa were spent here...
On this very bus.
Most often in 8+ hour increments.
Learning mind over matter... a must...
Especially when forced to eat your knees a day at a time.
The culture in Africa breaks all US norms....
In vehicles...
In life...
The more the merrier.
Personal space simply DOES NOT exist.
In the cramping...
We were all stretched.
As we approached our first stopping point...
We were pleasantly surprised by our accommodations.
We were quite aware that we hadn't yet "arrived" on our mission.
Still we enjoyed a mosquito-free zone and a nice bed to sleep in.
As we motioned our bus and our hearts into the bush...
We were met with a Wizard Of Oz-type opposition.
A dangerous windstorm like I have never seen threatened our purpose and safety.
The enemy was making it clear to all that he HATED what was about to happen.
Thankful for safety in the treacherous travel...
We walked on in faith.
What we encountered as we entered Giyani undid my heart.
In a very small...
Village by the name of Guewla...
Our Papa took those he dearly loves...
And taught us what it looked like to come out from our hiding.
To be naked in the receiving.
And... Oh how we were fed.
Never have I ever felt more like royalty...
Than in the dark, windy hour I walked through the church of "the buffalo."
For the first time. I saw honor lived out of EXTREME poverty.
It wasn't shameful.
It wasn't false.
It wasn't premeditated.
It was simply Christ's heart with flesh wrapped around.
In this moment I knew....
Though my heart came to heal...
God in His extreme abundance...
Was inviting us to heal each other.
I accepted the invitation.
I watched and wept as I experienced...
The Master Welder...
Do what He alone can do...
Break ALL barriers...
Open ALL doors...
Cross ALL boundaries...
Remove... ALL obstacles...
So that a group of little old Americans could enter into that which is most sacred to Him...
His children becoming one.
It's the only word that can describe what this encounter did to my heart.
That... and of course...
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