About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Friday, September 21, 2012

In search of The Lion...

Morning came early...
We had our last drive during the 5 a.m. window.
Winter in Africa is still winter for my body...
Buried under blankets...
We drove...
Safari style.
The majesty our eyes had beheld up to this point...
A tribute to the kindness of The Maker.
But we hungered for more.

We were in search of The Lion.
Oh how our hearts longed...
Just to see a glimpse.
I prayed with great fervor.
Desire was high.

This time...
Only tracks.
Showing and reminding us...
He is near.
And, it is the joy of man to seek Him out.
To follow hard after Him...
To see Him... in all that He has made.
To stay the course...
Go deeper.
Eyes sharp...
Looking for more...
Prints from His paws.
As we wrapped up our drive...
We pushed out towards purpose.
Hunger higher than ever...
We loaded back onto our little friend.
Another all day drive sure to be in our future.

As amazing as it all had been up until this point...
It is NOT why we had come.
Our appetites were roaring.
We were ready to partake in our mission.
With humility...
Bring His life giving water to a thirsty land.
Those that help water desire refreshment as well.
I am a thirsty girl.

Maputo... next on the map.
In Africa...
It's really not worth making plans.
Flexibility is key...
Always asking blessing on the desired progress.

Aware that God uses all sorts of vehicles for our "arrival..."
Willing to cross ALL borders...
To get our hearts expressly where they need to be.
He is not in a hurry...
He never wastes...
He is not stingy...
He is not bound by timetables or agendas. 

Choosing to use small windows...
Gas stations and parking lots...
Anythings He pleases...
As His office.
He is ALL around.
He is ALWAYS working.

When we create space...
We see His tracks more clearly.
Breathtaking hope is stirred... 
More deeply into the sands of our lives.

We didn't quite make it to the destination of choice that night...
After all...
"This is Africa!"
But Papa knows best.
We enjoyed a final shower...
A clean bed...
And my personal favorite...
A toilet.

Opportunities for learning are everywhere...
Just like in the states...
Some take more tissues than others.
Ohhh....how I still have much to learn.
The lack can overwhelm if I choose to study the problems...
Rather  than The Teacher.
Thankful my eyes are NEVER content with just tracks...
I will never give up in my search of The Lion.
No matter the amount of pit stops...
He will be found by me.

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