About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


As the dust settles a bit...
My heart has more space to process...
All that we scooted away from.
Living in perfect peace...
Fully resting in where we are...
Doesn't mean we don't ache for the people...
That have deeply touched our hearts...
The love and care for our family...
Shown during the toughest seasons we have ever walked through...
It has turned my views of community...
Upside down.
Relationships on the Ridge...
As sweet as you can get...
For the big and the small.
It's how we operated...
Sharing ice pops...
And... just like with real family...

I am forever thankful for my time at Hope.
Some of the best friends on earth were made in that space.

Some of the most life changing encounters as well.
Praying that the story that was deposited deep in the soil...
Watered with weeping and tears...
Will bloom big testimonies in the stories to come.

And thankful...
For all my Ridgegate family today.

Still unpacking...
Still processing.

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