Each morning at The Rose...
Filled with many "get to's."
Rooms still bare...
Needing assembly...
Story floors...
Leading us down hallways to more projects...
More importantly... on my heart... a deadline.The smalls would be arriving in about a day.
As floors continued to be finished...
And sisters...
Guided by The Light...
Scribe hidden truths back into Faith's foundation.
Painting hope back into lifeless places.
MANY moments...
My heart is overcome with emotion...
My faith feels fragile.
Thankful that unlike treasures...
He lets me bend...
With unfinished work everywhere.
I pause...
I remember...I mark our territory...
With something stronger than just adding a name...
With emotions high...
I mark the messy with something more true than feelings...
Right in the middle of construction.
Seems crazy to most to hang anything....
With completion still days away...
Yet it felt right to motion forward...
To embellish our broken backdrop with beauty.
And though not one room was finished that day...
I am learning to keep focus.
To keep singing my song...
Right in the middle of "the undone."
Some days...
Trickier than others...
But... I do so love Progress.
May my heart always be found...
Singing songs of Eucharisteo.
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