Being a farmer means...
Lots of seed...
Lots of sowing.
A life of hard labor...
Abandoning yourself...
Yielding to the wind...
Forever praying for fields of plenty.
Being back in Nebraska...
Opportunity was alive...
To rediscover...
Branches on our family tree...
To experience life...
From a "rear view" perspective.
Papa let me have the best seat in the house...
As more seeds...
Were placed in my hand...
So I could till on.
Walking by faith...
It's a different kind of mission...
For the seed sower.
Learning to trust in The Invisible...
A hard lesson...
Especially when facing one road block...
After another.
You have to learn to roll with hope and grace...
Live in expectation...
Focus on what He is doing...
Instead of what He has not.
Being a seed sower...
It's in my DNA...
The seeds birthed in this very house...
Almost a century ago...
They keep multiplying...
The truest fruits of
I've ever tasted.
Never remaining handicapped...
By what seasons provided or lacked...
With those He's blessed you with...
To sow alongside.
What a gift...
Experiencing life...
With The Farmer!
While feasting...
On the fruits of His harvest.
And still very much on the journey...
I long to sow love deep...
Into the hard ground...
So I might look out...
On the fruits...
From seeds planted in the sacred dark...
And reap...
Showers of righteousness.
May I leave NO GROUND...
"Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; FOR IT IS TIME to seek THE LORD, until He comes and showers righteousness on you."
Hosea 10:12