About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

seed sower

Being a farmer means...
Lots of seed...
Lots of sowing.

A life of hard labor...
Abandoning yourself...
Yielding to the wind...
Forever praying for fields of plenty.

Being back in Nebraska...
Opportunity was alive...
To rediscover...
Branches on our family tree...
To experience life...
From a "rear view" perspective.
Papa let me have the best seat in the house...
As more seeds...
Were placed in my hand...
So I could till on.

Walking by faith...
It's a different kind of mission...
For the seed sower.
Learning to trust in The Invisible...
A hard lesson...
Especially when facing one road block...
After another.

You have to learn to roll with hope and grace...
Live in expectation...
Focus on what He is doing...
Instead of what He has not.
Being a seed sower...
It's in my DNA...
The seeds birthed in this very house...
Almost a century ago...
They keep multiplying...
The truest fruits of
I've ever tasted.

Never remaining handicapped...
By what seasons provided or lacked...

With those He's blessed you with...
To sow alongside.

What a gift...
Experiencing life...
With The Farmer!

While feasting...
On the fruits of His harvest.
And still very much on the journey...
I long to sow love deep...
Into the hard ground...
So I might look out...
On the fruits...
From seeds planted in the sacred dark...
And reap...
Showers of righteousness.

May I leave NO GROUND...

"Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; FOR IT IS TIME to seek THE LORD, until He comes and showers righteousness on you."
Hosea 10:12

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

9 decades

Another number in scripture...
What a gift!
Being entrusted with nine decades of life.

Watching your children grow...
As well as...
Your children's children.
Life is filled with reasons to come together...
To celebrate...
To learn...
From the schools that teach the most.

If only we choose.
To stop...
In the midst of busyness...
Kneeling to honor the greater things...
Which aren't THINGS at all!

They are a different kind of gift...
One to be opened up...

Thankful for all that came...
For all that shared their presence.
Life truly expands in storytelling.
In a son honoring the patriarch...

And the patriarch receiving.
But as my brother spoke in truth yesterday...
"If you ain't dead... you ain't done!"
There is still more harvest to be had from this ornery prince.
And until we are lead...
Hand in hand...
I will learn what it looks like...
To finish well.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


In the midst of the journey...
With my trusty-brother as my sidekick...
I've been enjoying

Unexpected views...
Familiar views...
Views that remind...
Speaking liberty within.

Childhood story...
For me...
Is one of great charm...
Where love...
Is engraved deep into my family tree.
But the best view of all...
Has nothing to do with snow or signs...
And everything to do with...
The beauty they lead to.
Thankful for my view today.
Isn't she lovely?

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Heading out today...
Gonna set my gaze on two treasures my peepers rarely get to see.

En route to Nebraska...
To honor and bless a man I dearly love.
My Grandpa is celebrating 90 years of life.

With Spirit kicks in tow...
I'll fly to the "cornhusker" state...
Offer my song to the cold, farm-earth where the fields bloom.

As fall is swirling about...
I pray for fresh wind in my lungs...
That I might be a faithful tool of His love...
Bestowing gifts from one Farmer to another.

Joyfully expectant!


Wanna know a secret???
Most days I am tempted to believe lies...
Untruths that SHOUT...
"You are just a bunch of craziness..."
Hands all over...
In all sorts of miscalculated places...
Not really offering...

Thankful for The Good Papa...
Always spelling out my name so sweetly.
In the midst of the lies I battle...
He is not only a warrior for my name...
But also my heart.
Crazy enough...
He thinks I am terrific.
And since He makes ALL things glorious...
I am learning to agree.

I wonder why it is so easy to see and call out the beauty we see in others...
And so difficult to do the same for ourselves?

It must hurt The Creator when we don't value ALL that He has made.
When we pick apart...
Only celebrating portions...
Instead of His totality.

Leading most...
Towards the most miserable of paths.
Always feeling less than...
Always comparing.
Always fighting with our flesh.

I have spent a good portion of my life on this very path.
Thankful to say The Holy Spirit has rerouted...
Leading me onward...
Towards that which is more honoring.

He Helps keep these wandering eyes...
On The Heart Whisperer...
For... He is always looking at me...
With love and GREAT JOY.

Even when my view slips back to being a little wacky...
He is ALWAYS calling me "lovely..."
Even better...
He calls me His.

Wanna know another secret???
That fact makes the little girl inside...