Sitting back for a moment today... realizing how drastically different everything is from a few months ago. Truly, everything. (more than just employment / income) From how much I sleep to what I eat to how I think to how I pray to how I see my role in this family... I'm not the same. You'd think that I'd have more stuff figured out with the drastic changes I've experienced. Maybe I'm just more aware of how much I still have to learn. Maybe I'm more okay with not having everything figured out.
Kelly asked me an interesting question this morning. “How might we see God work supernaturally today?” It really made me think. I loved how it made my mind wander to the possibilities. I love what it stirred in me. I'm hopeful for the things I listed when I answered her question. Why don't I think like this more often?
The word, “hope,” has been a word that has marked my family. God planted seeds of hope in our hearts last fall that I believe are to be shared. Hope is to be shared with those afraid to hope and with those who don't think they need hope (they think things are good enough already). He's bigger and better. There's always room for more hope for more of Him.
Still hoping these days, but would like to add a new word to my family's branding... “faith.” Not saying my family has amazing faith. Just saying that God's working on it in us. Faith communicates a confidence and certainty of who God is and what He's up to. Faith is growing. It's different than before. My usual cop-out of, “If it's God's will, then...” well, I think it was often my way of lacking of faith (not projecting this onto everyone, but it's true of me).
Another question Kel asked me today was, “What would most honor God in a particular relationship?” I was not sure of the specifics that would best honor God. I know that love would best honor God, but not sure what that should look like in that situation. Seems trickier than I used to think. Think I need to be extra intentional about how I love... how I seek to bring God glory. It's not my natural instinct.
Reminded of something I read not too long ago. If I don't choose to glorify God in what I eat, in what I teach, in how I interact with people, in conflict, in how I spend my time, etc.... well, if I'm not glorifying God in it, I'm obviously glorifying someone or something else. Scary thought.