About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

He is...

A loaded day.
We began another journey towards the gem city...
A pit stop before Africa.

Closing on Faith tomorrow...
We packed up items in prep for our move next month.
The weight of these objects caused significant problems for our car...
Just moments into travel...
I KNEW it would take a miracle to get us to Dayton.
Seriously... it was NOT good.

Pastor and I discussed how damaging added weight can be.
How it can drain the life right out of something powerful...
Consuming all it's energies just to transport...
What we consider treasures.
By grace... we made it!
It was a miracle.
We are so thankful!

I switch gears of my own.
I am asking for new tools of illumination...
As I walk through doors never before seen by my eyes..
As I do...
He reminds me that the shield of David is also the shield over my song.

And so I have FREEDOM to sing...
To Him...
For Him...
About Him.
A little bird in a tree house.
I offer the light of love that shines all around.

He is my SONG!

He is...
He is...
The Vine I am connected to...
Even when life appears blurry and truths feel out of focus.

He is...

He is...
The Covenant Maker...
The Promise Keeper.
He is...
Light and Wisdom.
He is...
The Author of Family.
The God of goals...
Jump shots...
Slam dunks!
He is...
The God Of All Tenderness...
The God of ALL GLORY...
Beckoning hearts out of salvaged wood.
The One that links the smallest of stories together...
To make the biggest impact this world has ever known.
He is...
The God of feasting.
And Playful fun.
He is...
The One that calls forth value in ALL THINGS.
He is...
He is...
The God that carries...
Oh... How He loves.
He is...
The One we sit in awe of...
The One...
Who saves!
He is...
The One that makes me come ALIVE!
He is...
More than...
The lens of my heart can take in...

Thankful for all that He is...
So that I can be all I am...
For His glory alone...
In the states or in foreign lands.
My song to Him is always making music...
In the grip of His hands.
Or as my dear brother wrote me just this morning...
"wiggity wiggity wack.  jesus got yo' back."

Thankful for the 480 songs we have sung on this tablet.
I will miss sharing over the next couple of weeks...
But you can be sure this student...
Will be faithful to record the "new to me" lyrics...
To the songs He has already written.

He is...
SO good...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

sacred supper...

Last night...
The Hopefuls had a "last supper" of sorts.
Our last shared meal before we embark on our next series of major change.
It was sacred.
The bigness...
Had less to do with a change of address and more...
To do with the change that will occur in me over the next two weeks.

Like the One I love MOST...
Upon my return...
I will be different.

My light is sure to shine in a new way.
Togetherness will be missed.
The ache has already begun.

So last night...
We feasted hard on the sweet...
Of togetherness.
We bound love's truth firmly around us...
So that we might shoot webs of love to others...
Wherever we go.
No matter the locale.

Though we are miles and MILES apart...
We walk by faith...
Hand in hand...
In our hearts.
Drawing from the super power comforts...
He always offers.
It helps bring rich rest to the growing.

Extra thankful for sacred suppers.
Especially the original one...
That made future communions possible.
Remembering the Papa hand that ALWAYS feeds...
Bringing delight to His smalls.
I will remember this meal.
Though the light from this scared sharing has been blown out...
I fully expect a brighter one coming in me.
One that will set the Hopeful's and The World...
More ABLAZE for HIM!

May the feasting in Africa...
Bring the sweetest morsels I have ever tasted.
Thankful in advance for ALL He will do!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


The revelation of Christ is filled with mystery.
It is the privilege of His royals to seek them out.
Last night...
Delight filled my heart as I discovered...
MORE promises.
In chapter 2...
Brother John wrote about the gifts...
Awaiting the conquering ones.

Listed were...
Permission to eat of the tree of life in paradise...
Not too shabby...
Hidden manna...
A white stone with a NEW NAME...
And authority over NATIONS.

As I prepare for what I believe to be my most important trip to date...
My heart longs to be a conquering one.
To bring a sacrifice of praise...

Spending these final moments...
Crawling into Papa's lap...
Singing and seeking...
His presence.
Celebrating and beholding...
Reminders of His nearness...
Letting His love wrap around this little princess.
Sometimes shoes of a conquerer are not work boots...
But instead... 
House shoes from a warrior-house wife
Bringing comfort.
Training up for the destiny to which I have been called...
A conqueror!

For downpours of His Spirit...
As I remain in the lap...
Of the one I dearly love.
"I will bring you praise...
A sacrifice of praise!"
PBS... Conqueror in training.

Monday, August 27, 2012

strong heart

It's the word of the week around these parts.
Busily preparing for a move...
Leaving for Africa in a few short days.
My heart is...
As are the hearts of ALL The Hopefuls.

As I process what is happening in my own timeline...
I am also VERY aware of the stories and needs of others.
Brother and sisters smack dab in the middle of brokenness.
It's heavy.
It's everywhere I turn.
My heart aches deep for the cries I hear.

The Psalmist reminded me this morning...
"Sing a new song!"
It takes the truth of Lamentations to give me the courage I need to sing.
"His mercies are new EVERY MORNING...

Extra aware of my fragile heart today...
Needing all the Kingdom smalls to come along side...
Lovingly look upon me...
Touch me...
Pray for me.

Fragility requires tenderness.
I see my need... 
Asking for MORE courage to stare straight into the deep dark...
For the Spirit to fill my lungs with fresh wind...
To give my heart the strength of a warrior.

Our God loves to use the hands of the weak to create...
The most marvelous works.

So blessed by the hearts that choose...
To enter in...
To ask...
And knock...
On behalf of the weak-hearted.
Clinging to truth!
Choosing to sing a new song every day...
So that this heart...
Would be stronger than the rocks and the dust...
Attempting to muddy it's beauty.

Thankful for the power of the cross...
Giving me ALL I need...
To sing with a strong heart for HIM.