Surrounded by little monkeys...
Devouring life.
I bring my wild to our garden...
Celebrating all the growth...
All the while...
Fighting the weeds of discouraging circumstances.
These past few days have felt heavier for me...Remembering... life is a series of struggle and hope.
This fact alone brings strange comfort.
A call to always refocus...
On His fruit growing within...
The little monkeys at Ridgegate...
They are watchers...
And since the TV is almost never on...
Life is what they observe...
They see it all...
The good... the bad... the messy.
Better than any sitcom.
Full of jungle adventures.
We swing the vines...
High and low.
We do it together.
The momma monkey at Ridgegate...
She is bringing out the big guns...
Lots of praise being sung around these parts.
Discouragement withers in these conditions.
Knowing... I have a lifetime of imparting still to do.
As I walk on... I long for my crop to be overflowing with joy.
Though the earth... parched below... my hands... remain full...
With food to feed.
It's a jungle out there.
Ridgegate has a lot of monkeys...
As do many other... lanes... roads... circles... drives... etc.
And we all know...
"Monkey see, Monkey do."