About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Somedays are jungle days for my heart...
Surrounded by little monkeys...
Devouring life.

I bring my wild to our garden...
Celebrating all the growth...
All the while...
Fighting the weeds of discouraging circumstances.
These past few days have felt heavier for me...
Remembering... life is a series of struggle and hope.
This fact alone brings strange comfort.
A call to always refocus...
On His fruit growing within...
The little monkeys at Ridgegate...
They are watchers...
And since the TV is almost never on...
Life is what they observe...
They see it all...
The good... the bad... the messy.
Better than any sitcom.
Full of jungle adventures.
We swing the vines...
High and low.
We do it together.

The momma monkey at Ridgegate...
She is bringing out the big guns...
Lots of praise being sung around these parts.
Discouragement withers in these conditions.

Knowing... I have a lifetime of imparting still to do.
As I walk on... I long for my crop to be overflowing with joy.
Though the earth... parched below...  my hands... remain full...
With food to feed.

It's a jungle out there.
Ridgegate has a lot of monkeys...
As do many other... lanes... roads... circles... drives... etc.
And we all know...
"Monkey see, Monkey do."

Friday, June 29, 2012

seeing is believing...

Ridgegate... alive with attentiveness...
Creating a culture of seers.
Princess Emmiline is very gifted in this area.
Often going unnoticed...
A silent observer, processer and bold proclaimer.
Stirring our spirits to greater awareness.
Fanning the flame...
Filling our home with the aroma of Christ.

Papa has been allowing her eyes to see in special ways...

Right in the middle of daily "get to's"
She remains present... 

Her name...
Reflects the fiber of her being...

Everyday tools speak to her heart regarding timing and our story...
As we await in anticipation..
For the goodness that is sure to come.

A hard lesson.
Especially when deliciousness is wafting in the air.
So fragrant you could almost taste it.

She reminds...
Though it tarries...
It is coming...
The light is about to change.

It has been declared in the Heavens...
Messengers of release continue to land....
Returning to remind...
The Hopefuls...
To get our taste buds ready...
The harvest is about to be placed in our hands...

The invitation to dive face first will be issued...
Green light given to sink our teeth in...

Seeing is believing... 
Often times we just need to choose Spirit eyes to see what is really true.
Physical eyes are inferior to the Spiritual...
Continuing to ask for tools that help us see...
His lenses... no doubt... wacky in the world's eyes...
But very valuable when trying to see clearly in splashes of fun...
And... in the murky depths.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

all it takes

All it takes...
Is a good word...
To refresh a weary heart...

A single hand...
Willing to enter the mess...
Piercing through dark, sticky webs of disillusionment...
All royals...
Uniquely and wonderfully designed...
Supernaturally empowered...
To carry and display His presence.
Pairing up stories.. 
To declare His nearness to His beloved.

All it takes...
Are lives laid down...
Willfully surrendering...
Walking out the hard... together.

Reminding the world...
We are anchored...
In HOPE... 
Flowing from the red of His heart.

We do NOT overlook the offerings of the small...
They help prepare sacred places for us...
To banquet...
At the Lord's table.

All it takes is remembrance...
We serve The God of overflow...
There will never be too much good fruit.
The Ridgegate dwellers...
We remember our house of faith is not built on sand.
It has a firm foundation.
And today...
We enjoy the bountiful provisions set before us..
Waiting for the party-feast...
 Busily being prepared...
To perfection.
Not desiring any lack...
We do our part in the prep...
Slicing and dicing...
Discarding the scraps...
So only the best remains.
Noticing and nibbling...
The watermarks of His affection on the billboards of our "get to's."

All it takes is courage in the asking...
Show me your heart...
That I might stand and sing boldly in the dark.

Seeing His heart...
Wrecks everything else...
We are ruined...
In the best way.
All it takes is All of Him...
And that is ALL I want.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

good soldier

Whether we like it or not...
Until Jesus comes back....
We will spend many segments of our lives...
Hoping to unlock doors of mystery...
Desiring more on the inside.

I do not live in fear of the battles.
I long to be prepared.
Asking to be submerged in His presence...
To dive deeper...
So I might better care for those who have lost their footing...
In the crashing waves.

As I think about the images of the last few days...
I see my small royals with weapons...
Some physical...
Many... spiritual.
It stirs up gratitude in my heart...
Thankfulness that I cannot express.

Always... always... always...
I am not alone.

2 Timothy has been teaching me about "good soldiers."
A good soldier according to Paul...
Is strengthened by grace.
One that shares in sufferings..
Offering encouragement and tenderness to the weeping...
Spreading wings of hope over barren places...
A good soldier uses caution...
Careful not to get entangled in affairs apart from his assignment...
Living to please The Enlisting One.

I cannot begin to describe the ache stemming from my hunger...
It is bigger than me.
Hunger for faithfulness.
Hunger to become like my Papa.
Knowing it's His hands that supply and feed...
Longing to share in the sufferings of others...
Not just having everyone...
Enter into ours...
Ready to move onto a new battlefield...
Dirty my hands in new earth...

Serve brothers and sisters not yet known to my heart...
But very valuable to our King.

So so so ready.
"Good soldiers..." 
Boot camp in full swing over on Ridgegate.