As does being a momma.
Teaching my smalls to dream...
Teaching... out of the overflow of my own learning.
This is a big one...
I am still very much a student.
Being a dream weaver for the Kingdom...
Means I have to spend time learning about the King's heart.
It means longing to see what He sees...
Speaking that which is being revealed.
It can feel frightening when others speak big dreams over and into us...
Especially when we haven't learned the art of dreaming...
Even with big, powerful stories smiling behind us...
Possibilities can seem terrifying...
When issued with the invitation to roll up our sleeves and partake in the dreaming...
The fire of fear can really rage...
Something happens...
When others keep calling out what they see in us...
The shyness towards the wild begins to fade...
Joy takes it's rightful place...
We not only begin to believe the dream...
We start living out of truths unseen by our natural eyes.
Living out of faith dreams...
Before long...
Other changes start taking place.
We begin to clothe ourselves with the knowing power that is growing inside.
Desiring to partner with the vision surfaces...
Dreams go from distant...
To reality...
Oh... the beauty of quick studies...
Pretty soon they entice others with what they've learned...
One of the best playgrounds...
Filled with belly butterflies...
World spinning...
Out of control...
Crazy... ALIVE... play.
Being alive is the best super power there is.
Crazy enough...
Those willing to risk and receive...
Guess what???
In the learning...
They begin to speak...
The language of dreams...
They take a turn at empowering...
Labeling with names that build community among the dreaming...
New names...
Ones laced with...
Super powers...
Super adventures...
And super sight...
All so dreaming might continue and thrive amidst the battles...
The enemy hates it when the young royals of The King...
Choose to be dreaming ones..
He is more than ok with religion...
He takes little offense to our rituals...
He will fight to the death...
Against super powers... and Kingdom heroes.
Only our wild God would choose to fulfill our deepest dreams...
As we esteem and speak out the dreaming in others...
Only our God!
He is the ultimate Dream Weaver...
His ways... so contradictory to the world...
So much higher than mine.
Thankful to serve a God that loves big dreams...
Extra thankful...He would consider me worthy to speak His dreams...
Into the growing lives... marked for greatness.