About Us

Not too much to say (at least not yet)... no long list of credentials... just a story that's worth sharing. I'm Adam Vaughan. My wife, Kelly, will also be sharing. We have 6 children. Our two sons, Lincoln and Tucker, have gone to be with the Lord. The remaining four with us are Emmiline, Eloise, Elliott and Charli. Charli is a triplet. Her brothers Lincoln and Tucker are identical twins. They're dancing with Jesus right now, and they're not sad about it at all!

Monday, October 31, 2011

the harvest

Harvesting is happening in our home.  Lot of seeds have grown and have produced life ready for  harvest hands... more are being planted.

Lots of little lives are growing and are being equipped for future assignments
We are expectant!

A week from today, Pastor begins tending his new land and adding to the flock he shepherds.  A new home base will begin its establishment.  New seeds will be sewn for harvests not yet seen.

A couple of years ago the Lord invited the Vaughans on a most unexpected journey.  A journey that would change our hearts and lives forever.  Seeds were sewn.  All took root.  All had divine purpose.  All brought life, but all looked very different.

The only tangible proof that remains from that harvest is this little princess.
Toiling over these seeds have been excruciating.  Our labor is far from over.  We have learned so much through the crop of Lincoln, Tucker and Charli.  We have watered with our tears, we have begged the Master Gardner for divine provisions, we have fed our land with The Living Food, and we have asked other  harvest hands to tend what we couldn't tend alone. 

Our seasons have been VERY, VERY long.  Often we have had to bite our lips to keep them from trembling... or to stop us from speaking out of emotion instead of truth.
Most days we just flat out cried... still do... We are a desperate people.
The thing about harvesting is you can't predict the unpredictables, and the farming ones must always stay desperate for the One that waters and makes things grow.  It requires so much patience, so much heart, so much labor, and so much FAITH.  Faith... a seed gift in itself is needed in order for people to not just survive but thrive in the midst of droughts, storms, hail, bugs, weeds... to survive everyday elements.  So much opposition occurs when beautiful life begins to grow.
This particular seed as well as the seeds of her brothers have brought a plentiful harvest.  It has been very costly... just as with all productive seed the fruit was born out of death.  My harvest hands have had to till in the dark, deep soil of loss, struggle and heartache.   I am still farming those fields... just with some different tools.

As we start preparing a new land for new crops we remember the cost.  The ULTIMATE one and our own.  We remember The ONE in charge of the rain and the divine.  We remember our own story and His faithfulness... and we pray even now that God would go before and heal the land we will begin to tend.  As Pastor arrives in Dayton next Monday he will take some of our tools, and hopefully soon we will join him with the rest.  We will lovingly care for the land and wait for the seeds being sewn even today... knowing... again... that we will someday live in the fruit of this moment.

So thankful for harvests and all the harvest hands that make enjoying fruit possible for just as the Good Words says... it takes many, many soil stained hands. 

I do so love good fruit... even when the packaging seems confusing, gross, and ugly....harvesting... tilling in faith...not sight!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

He's coming

Not sure what to say today. Counting down the days until I head up to Dayton. Seems there's much to get done. At the same time wanting to be present in the now and with the people around me.

Enjoying the benefits of loved ones who are blessing us with research about homes and communities in Dayton. Daydreaming a little about more of the unknown. Resting in the peace of mind from having the best realtor in the business. Truly, she goes above and beyond... always. She even watches my kids so Kelly and I can go on a date.

Carved a pumpkin today. Something feels right about creating. Any holiday is more fun with kids. Their excitement, energy and joy makes it all better. Celebrating Reformation Sunday. Will enjoy free candy tomorrow night as we continue the celebration. Hope to be silly and dress up in the process. Really grateful for laughter and play.

Took a wonderful nap. I know that sounds strange. This nap was different. Something more peaceful and enjoyable about it. Sounds weird, but it's true.

Tonight as we had a Bible lesson with the kids I talked about how Christ is going to return to Earth. No, I did not bust out the overhead projector with transparencies of eschatological charts. There was no mention of pre-millennialism, postmillennialism or amillennialism. I promise to wait until Elliott's completely potty-trained before I sharpen his end times theology. We did, however, talk about the fact that Christ will return. Not real certain on the timing of when that will happen. Kelly and I have talked about how we have been so ready for His return at so many times. I know we long to see His Kingdom come, but sometimes we've probably said that as an escape mentality. It's a different feeling now. We'd like for Him to wait... sure, we'd love to see Him face to face... more than anything, but there are just too many people that still need to hear the gospel. Too many people that need to be pointed to Jesus who don't know truth. At the same time we talked about what it looks like to live like Jesus were coming back today. Realized that thought doesn't hit me much throughout the day as I'm actually doing normal living. Hoping that thought changes the way I treat my days... rather than just seeing it as teaching topic for my times with my kids.

Not aware of much that God's saying to me today. To be honest, I don't think I paid a lot attention to that today. Very unfortunate.   

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life is good

This is Bud.  Let's be really honest... he's a very handsome boy.  Arguably, the most handsome.  I'll take that argument, and I'm not the only one.  I know Kel will agree, and I'll say from experience that she's pretty good at arguing... just submit that he's a good-looking dude (even if the pj shirt he picked out is 4 sizes too small).

Life is good.  He doesn't get to watch tons of TV.  His brain is warped enough by his strange father (me).  That makes TV feel like a treat.

This was one morning that I didn't have to rush out.  When I took my shower, I let Bud watch a little TV.  As you can see, he's enjoying something like a Toys 'R Us catalog we received in the mail.  I'm aware that he's on the Barbie page.  We'll pretend he was flipping through the pages, and he got distracted by his cartoon.

Anyways, Bud's in his happy place.  He's cozy under the covers.  Fingers fit perfectly in his mouth (this means he's tired).  And... he's got the double-doozie... TV and a toy magazine.  All is great.

All really is well.  Totally enjoying the blessings.  Excited about my new church.  Excited about the job.  Truly, a dream job.

Seems like I'm always feeling conflicting emotions simultaneously.  I remember this feeling beginning when we were in the hospital with the triplets.  My heart was celebrating Charli and Tucker's life, but grieving Lincoln's.  Then I was still grieving Lincoln, and I began grieving for Tucker.  At the same time I was very hopeful for Charli...  celebrating her victories and grieving for my sons.

Now that my mind has had more time to process our new job and opportunity in Ohio... well, I'm sitting in the middle of much excitement, but some sadness has entered into the picture as I think about being away from my family so much.  If you're not aware, I'll be commuting to Ohio until our home sells.  No, I won't be driving there every day.  I'll stay in Dayton for several days, and then I'll come back for a couple.  Again, thrilled for this opportunity.  So eager for it to begin!  At the same time... already missing my family.  Going to remember (and celebrate) truth and blessings.  Simultaneously, I want to be honest about some sadness that is starting to creep in.

Friday, October 28, 2011

smooth stones

On rainy days of the soul, like today, I wonder... how will this broken woman be used for the kingdom?  When I am feeling scared and weary, how will I battle to cling to truth?  I have moments when I feel as though I might suffocate.  It is then that I cry out, and I hear my Daddy saying... "Stop looking at the giant... keep your eyes on me.  The sling and stones I have placed in your hands are all that you need to accomplish your assignment."  Truth is a hard thing to fight for... especially when the rain beats hard and tries to drown.

A couple of days ago my little prince cut a chunk out of his baby chin on the bathroom counter.  The cut is stitches worthy, but we are trying other methods first.  My momma's heart aches for him as any momma's would.  He has been a trooper.

Last night he got to sit in a "big boy" seat for the first time at dinner.  I know... long overdue but in our house it's a reward for those that keep the "unmentionables" dry.  He had a successful day and got rewarded.  He was so so thrilled.  We shared the excitement.  I was curious how he would handle being at the table.  I was shocked by what came!

He decided to bless.
By his own choice he decided in his heart that he wanted to spend our meal time rubbing my back.  He knows it hurts a lot and so he longed to be a tool of healing. 

His broken chin and tiny fingers brought healing to my body and soul.  Last night I feasted on the meal of servanthood.

Serving out of brokenness is a choice.  It requires constant refueling on the only thing that what will nourish us so we can continue to pour out.   We must be intentional.  We must eat the truth that sustains.
I know I am blessed.  I have more blessings than I can count.  All I could do during dinner was look at Pastor and giggle.  Elliott has NEVER done this before and even when I gave him permission to rest he rubbed all the harder.  He was focused... determined... his eyes and heart were fixed on his assignment.  
I finally had to convince him to pause... to eat... to rest.  As he went to rest and finish his own meal he was giddy.  A few moments back into his seat he slipped and cracked his chin on our kitchen table.. the exact same spot.  Blood was flowing... tears were pouring... and emotions ran high.  I cried out for mercy on his behalf.  It was my turn to minister to the broken.  Again, I felt scared... trapped... how do I choose wisdom?  Do we rush off to the E.R.?  How do I console this frightened one when I feel equally scared.  It is then, again, that I must rub my smooth stones and remember that I have been given exactly what I need to minister. 

Last night is kind of how I see our newest adventure.  I will pour out my broken self to the other children of brokenness and offer a meal of tears and truth. 
Many moments will feel scary, intimidating, and chaotic.  I know that WE are in a battle... so I will rub my smooth stones often and remind myself that what I need to bring healing to the broken has already been given to me.  I just have to be faithful to see passed the giant.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The princess, pauper, and the Artist

Lot's of stirring going on in this princess heart of mine.  Today, I am feeling more like a pauper instead of royalty.  I am thankful I have been issued the call to live by truth and not by feelings.

Pastor and I have continued to pray and warrior on as we wait.  He mentioned yesterday that we are sensing the enemy's work.  I believe in my heart he hates what we are about.  He does not want us to go forward.  He whispers with the hopes that we will listen and get trapped in the lies.

Meanwhile the Artist plays with the colors... He makes beauty from the mess, and He adds vibrancy to our walk.  He redeems all things... but it feels more costly today.

I am hopeful about our future.  I stand firm in our promise.  The battle continues and we will fight on... but we are not alone for the Artist wears the cost of His artwork all over His hands.  What other choice do we have than to let the Artist choose the colors that best reflect Him?
I am being stretched.  My faith is being tested.  Some days I pass with flying colors.  Other days I just need the Artist to gently pick me up and hold me.  Because I am often colorblind, I need to remember to see things through His eyes and from His perspective. 
Oh, how I need the Artist.  I long for more of Him.  I desire to be the work of art He has envisioned.  The process requires skill and time... it costs...  I am thankful for His abundance.  As He holds me and and dabbles with His palette I am transformed.  I become what He sees.
This feels tricky for me because often what is beautiful to Him is average... ordinary... and expendable to others. 
When I am most honest, I would say, "I want both."  I want His beauty fully revealed and the world to see it as such.  The most honoring me says, "I will display all of me and rest in what the Artist sees."  He is intentional with his art... never a mistake... always masterpieces... that is what makes Him the most loving Artist of All.  I love serving an always masterpiece kind of God... even when I struggle with "the pauper" lies... choosing truth!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Not getting easier

Still waiting. Doesn't get easier.

Yes, we are so, so, so excited about getting started at our new church in Dayton. Yes, we are so grateful. Yes, it was a long wait, and we're still celebrating.

Unfortunately, we're still struggling. Our hearts so long to begin building relationships, partnering with the leadership there, learning... and more. The tough part is figuring out when we're going. One thought was that I (Adam) would drive up to Ohio and stay for several days. Then I'd come back for a couple days. Then repeat that process. Basically, I'd be commuting. I'm totally okay with that. I'm just so excited about getting started! If you know me, you know I don't like being away from my family like that, but that just shows how eager I am to get there.

The reason it's so tough to figure out when we're going is because we need to sell our home. My friends in Dayton are concerned about what might happen should our home not sell. It's a legitimate concern. At the same time Kelly and I are not worried about this. We've got a long list of reasons... we've been learning a lot about “walking by faith.” Don't have it figured out, but a house seems like a small thing compared to some of the struggles we've experienced. Waiting for answers from them.

Kelly and I are in agreement that there is quite a bit of spiritual warfare happening all around us. Sensing we (my family and my new family in Ohio) are on the verge of something. On the verge of some kind of breakthrough. Surrounded by warfare as we pursue this breakthrough. Through the Spirit's voice I can't seem to get the word (and prayer), “Breakthrough” out of my head. Will continue pursue that. Will continue to repent as I see my need for it always growing.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

pregnant AGAIN with multiples?

yep... it's true...
Welcoming long awaited birth has been the topic of my household for quite some time now.   We are awaiting a new life to be born.   While it is true that only one of the women in this picture is truly pregnant... they both carry life yet to be birthed.  The one on the right spent some of the morning chewing  on the fact that though she once was carrying multiple, physical seeds...  she now carries multiple spiritual seeds... and she is ready to give birth.  

Being pregnant is a funny thing.  It's a long, hard, and humbling process.  It changes you... some ways more pleasant than others... It beckons change that we could never imagine.  Our bodies are stretched... our limits are tested.  Our anxiety runs high, and our pain thresholds are pushed.  Most women are ready for labor, but it does come at a cost.  Labor is work.  It is painful, messy and bloody.  I remember these things as I feel pregnant with so many things that still need to grow before they exit out of me and into the world.   But, I also remember that waiting is valuable.  The best reward comes with patience and waiting.
This morning we welcomed new life into our family.  The Lord has heard and given us another to love.  Samuel!  A strong, strong name.  My heart is flooded with emotion as I ponder the knitting process of this tiny being.  So small, so beautiful, so full of God's glory and yet so very needy.  Being pregnant means being needy.  Waiting for life to grow means being needy.  Watching things happen in you that totally change your form means being needy.  Waiting for life to come forth means being needy.  And, when the moment comes to labor for what has been toiled over for so long neediness is more prominent than ever. 

Carrying life is a call to see that we are needy in every phase... and He is faithful to meet our need and expectations with Himself and also with other parts of the body.  He knows we need others to encourage us... to speak hard truths... to love us...  to celebrate alongside... and yes...sometimes... to even offer the gift of timely words... PUSH!
So thankful for what new life represents. 
 I too am longing for some of my own joyful birth stories.  I have had multiple and long for many more.  So to confirm the rumors... yes... I am expecting! 

in the spiritual, of course!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Me again, Pastor's wife.  I am sitting in the "screened porch" with my smalls enjoying the beautiful sunshine. I was born to live in warm areas... the cold is my thorn.  I will endure it for the greater cause of Christ.

Today, the Lord is inviting me to REMEMBER what is true, to REMEMBER who He is and who I am.  He calls me to REMEMBER my name.
I need to be intentional about writing these truths out... spell them out... practice them.  And, when the name doesn't reflect what is right then I need to REMEMBER to ask for guidance... for help from the Lettermaker.

Lots of time my functional truth can be guided by others.  And, I am tempted to want to live my life in shoes belonging to others.
While cute and funny.... like Bud wearing his sisters flops this can be dangerous and...
very confusing! 

I must fight for a renewed mind.  It is something that has to occur in me just about every second.  I want to fully reflect the One who made me.  In order to do this I must REMEMBER the truth about the creating One and the truth of who I am.  I offer my best worship when I REMEMBER and offer out of the remembering.  

I am praying that the Good Teacher will continue to guide my hand as I practice writing my name, and I hope I will honor Him as I fight to REMEMBER what He so tenderly teaches... that I am His delight... that I am a woman that longs to offer HOPE to the broken hearted to the hopeless and to the ones that can't quite write their own names... 

taking a second right now to thank God for the people in my life that have been given the gift of remembering.  They have helped form the truth letters in my life.  May today be a day of remembering for all of us.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things that should and shouldn't be...

Interesting day today. Many things that should and shouldn't be have caught my attention today. I'll mention a few.

First, Emmiline noticed what appears to be a summer squash in our garden today. It was planted in mid to late April, and it's just now taking shape. Summer squash are called, “summer” because they bloom in summer... and they have a very short storage life! Very strange thing that shouldn't be, but it is.

Was trying to get my son, Elliott, dressed for the day. Knew he'd see some grandparents and some very dear friends. Elliott turns 4 next month! Man, that's crazy. Anyways, that's background information to know as I share this... As I tried to find a pair of pants that might fit him... well, repeatedly I discovered that many of the 24 month (and 2T) sized britches would fall right off of him. They wouldn't stay up in the waist. Man, that's a little dude. Seems like it shouldn't be to me... not worried about it.

The same little man is shown in these pictures... trying his best to help his little sister play with a toy. I know he was born with a depraved nature, but for a very young man... he seems to deeply, deeply care. Seems rather strange... almost like it shouldn't be, but I'm glad that it is the way it is.

Was blessed to have a window into a dear loved one's heart today. As he shared some of the heaviness in his life and heart, I didn't even know how to respond. Multiple relational issues of such incredible gravity... each on its own enough to cause deep anguish of the soul. And, I do not use, “anguish of the soul lightly!” Those are not words I would associate with losing a job or moving out of town! His struggles definitely qualify to fit the word, “anguish.” Yet, he did not seem bitter. Nor did he seem hopeless. Even though he had reason for both. He seemed authentic... seemed to be a man of perseverance... a man who would stop trying. From his situation, it would just make sense that he would have anger and resentment flowing through his veins, but he doesn't. Doesn't make sense to the natural mind. Shouldn't be, but he has hope. He seeks strength from the Lord.

Personally, still celebrating the great gift of getting to serve and learn at my new church in Dayton, Ohio. Man, so excited. So grateful. My mind's moving toward all of the “to do's” associated with a new job, selling a home and moving. Although I've been given something that I've so deeply desired (more than I can remember desiring anything!), I still catch myself getting frustrated at little things far more easily than I should. That shouldn't be. Shouldn't I be passed that? I also hear a voice in my head of self-doubt. Don't want to play the false humility game. I know I've had some experience, and I know I have gifts. Just questioning myself in terms of what I'm capable of... In the midst of the excitement and desire to get started, there is still fear. Want to be real and call it for what it is. Could definitely use different words to lighten the effect, but I know it wouldn't be completely truthful.

Much that is that shouldn't be and much that should be that isn't.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

heavy hearted

Tonight, I am enjoying watching the game.  No matter what happens it's just fun knowing the Vols are playing, and there is a fall nip in the air... all FEELS right... except for...

the ache in my heart.  I had the opportunity to visit with a life-long friend earlier today.  We don't get much time together, but I deeply love her.  Today, we shared hearts and many tears were shed.  It was a rich time.  It was a time of brokenness.  My friend's heart is struggling, and so it breaks mine too.

Although the conversation was really hard, it was AMAZING!  We got to talk about and remember who God is and who He isn't.  We got to recall truth.  We processed and wondered together.  I am certain God was honored as we discussed how good He is.

I wonder how many of us really believe He is truly good all the time?   When we lose babies and sons die.  When family members are frighteningly ill and husbands that work at churches are fired.  Is He still good then?  All I have is God's word and my story.  And, I shout YES!  I have never known Him to be kinder.  It is important that we always check our hearts and head about what we truly believe about our Father.  How we see Him shapes our hearts towards Him, our prayers to Him, and our lives lived out for Him.

The main feast that was shared between my friend and I was how we talk to our Good Daddy.  How do we approach Him, and how should we approach Him?

We are called to remember....
It is He that forms beauty out of messy...

It is He that tenderly shapes... His fingerprints are EVERYWHERE...

It is Him that gives us purpose...

Being sculpted is tedious and takes intentionality by the sculptor.  It can feel painful...

But, the gentle Artist presses on because He doesn't desire ordinary beauty...

His beauty is one of excellence...

The process is long.  It requires the refiners fire of the kiln and tedious glazing.  You would think such pressures would destroy all potential works of art.  It is then that we must cling to the truth we know...
The Good Teacher sees what young eyes cannot.  He sees the beauty that can me made out of lumps of clay.  His hands are to be trusted.  His heart even more.  Because as He forms we have the opportunity to become the best us.  He smiles with loving tenderness because He knows what we can't even imagine about ourselves.  It brings Him great joy when we see Him as he really is, a Good Daddy that can be fully trusted.   His PERFECT love invites us to cast out all fear and be a people at rest.

We are on the journey to discovering our truest beauty.  Much like the kids' works of art, we are awaiting future kilns.  I am thankful that my heart knows with certainty that the fire is not meant to destroy, but instead set me free to fully be all that God desires.  And, as He continues to beautify me through the glazing process, I have a future filled with HOPE.  I can be best used for the Kingdom when I most reflect the artistry being done in me.

My heart is heavy because I am desperate for God's people to know the truth about God's heart for His people, and I want it to SHAPE every part of our hearts and lives... so heavy! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

joy in the morning

Pastor's wife here... just wanting to share my heart regarding the Ohio news.  The day we found out I had sent Adam out for some time with the Lord.  I HALF jokingly told him to go and cry out to God and not come home until he had answers.  He has been crying out for breakthrough for so many issues.  I found one of his old lunch napkins in the garage... he was even using his pencil as a tool to voice his desperation.  He got desired answers during that time.
 Most of you are aware this has been a long, hard season of waiting.  We have been tested, pruned, shaped, and refined.  It has not been easy but it has been rich.  Being fired has been one of the hardest and best things that has ever happened to us.  I reminded Pastor yesterday that Dayton is not our Promise Land.  We must press in towards God even more.   In discussing this I feel compelled to show you what my eyes saw as we celebrated our blessing news.  P.s.  I was giggling and yelling with wild joy as I took these.

Our home is all abuzz with thankfulness.  We are celebrating!    The children of the house and their parents are giddy with hope.  We are alive with the the joy of promises fulfilled.  Thank you, God, for this gift!  Thank you!  Thank you!  May we honor you with this opportunity.

Climbing and swinging on the tree of life that has been planted with costly seeds of hope... yahoo!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ohio... again

So many different feelings, emotions and thoughts going through my head since yesterday. Whoa... that's about all I can say.

Yesterday was a very special. My precious wife (who was downstairs with me) wrote me a note and had Emmiline deliver it to me while I was playing with Charli. The note contained a few one dollar bills and an invitation. The invitation was to go sneak away to a coffee shop for a couple hours. The dollar bills were for a latte. Her words said, “Crying out to God, seeking more of Him... well, these things are complimented well with a latte.” She's exactly right. Nothing short of sheer genius.

As I enjoyed my latte I noticed that I had received an email from a friend in Ohio. That friend is the Executive Pastor of the church I've mentioned. I was offered the job. Can't tell you the excitement! Can't tell you the gratitude! Can't tell you the joy! Can't tell you the relief! Sadness was present at the same time as I consider leaving precious friends and family. Tiredness kicked in pretty hard too... it was like I was finally given permission to relax and exhale. Felt so wonderful.

Can't communicate how fun it was to celebrate. Still celebrating. Details have not been finalized. Know they would like to get me working very soon though.

Humbled by this gift. Been longing for it for a long time. Hunger for it had been growing and growing. At the same time I know He is better than His gifts. Still pursuing more of Him. Pursuing breakthroughs in many ways of relating to Him... knowing Him... loving Him.

My friend asked me to summarize in one word what I was feeling. Only one word I could come with was, “Good.” Not good like, “It's okay.” Good like, “Too much for words... too hard to describe.”

Grateful for the breakthrough of this opportunity in Dayton, Ohio. So thankful.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

cleaning house

 As Pastor mentioned we have been cleaning house.  We have been getting it ready.  We are making room for the "new."  We are praying that the new owners will come quickly and sense joy as they enter our House of Hope.

Preparing a home for the market is a bigger task than I had remembered.  It makes you deal with all the yuckies... the things that you get used to that no longer bother you but are still very much a problem.  We have been doing a lot of this lately.  I don't like the process, but I very much enjoy the results.  I love progress... cleanliness... purging... tasks completed.  In the process of washing we are being washed.
Our daily lives often teach about the spiritual.  The Triune God has been getting this girl... this family ready for the new.  He has been cleaning house in me... including all those yucky places that I have gotten plenty comfortable with.  Oh, how thankful I am.  I didn't know how much mold had been growing in me... stinky, toxic stuff.  NO MORE!   I want ready spaces... spaces that cry out in invitation for the new.

I am very aware that He won't relent until He has my all.  I think I am at the place of surrender.  He can have all of me.  I pour out the perfume of my undivided worship... as undivided as this broken alabaster jar can be.

The world would say we have seen no progress...The Vaughan's would say He is making our JOY more COMPLETE.  In the waiting our vision has been increased.  We want HIM MORE than the Dayton job, we want HIM MORE than the sell of our house... We want HIM MORE than His gifts.  In faith, we continue to cry out to the only ONE who can truly clean house.  No doubt his tools of purification are much different and costly than Merry Maids... but we serve a God that isn't into surface cleaning He is a TRANSFORMATION GOD!   Our hands are open for His living water to come and purify.
We are continuing to get ready for the "new" over here on Ridgegate Lane... choosing to walk by faith... ready for our earthly and spiritual homes to be filled with The New.   We hunger and thirst for more... and so we make ready and we clean.  May he reveal the hidden places.