" Poor you, perhaps God doesn't want you to be happy." When Eve and Adam bought into this whisper-lie, another terrible lie came into the world.....It is the lie that I/we often choose to believe.
The second story was the one where Jesus chose some desert time in order to prepare Himself for His great rescue. Again, the serpent whispered his lies, "Poor you, God must not love you. You don't need to die. Do it my way." Thankfully, we are reminded that Jesus is not Adam, and He is our perfect representative. Even in his weakened state He chose to believe the truth He knew. He claimed it and spoke it out. It was a great opportunity for us to talk about how the enemy whispers lies to us and how it is so important for us to always return to our source of Truth...scripture. We spoke about how scripture is living, holy and true. As we were sharing Eloise made a very intriguing observation....she noticed that the illustrator made the serpent's appearance different in each story. It provided Pastor and I a window to share that the lies whispered don't always sound the same. They don't always come from the same places, and often they may even sound like truth. The living, holy, and true word of God is the ear that can help test the whispers.
As I spent time thinking about the lie-whisperer....I realized how loud his whispers are in my life. Often, just like the world, the loudest voice wins. But, as I remember truth, I recall that the true victor in this story is the Still Small Voice. I am thankful for the new ways I have heard this Truth-Whisperer lately.
Next, we had some really sweet time putting things in our "asking" box. It is a prayer box given to our family by a dear friend. We each wrote things we wanted to talk to God about. It was rich...It was hard....we are asking..
Being intentional teachers with our children is more of a gift to me than them. I love what God uncovers as I share my heart and what He is showing. He is whispering...we are hearing. Today, has been a day of delight. Sabbath rest! I am thankful!
attentive and expectant hearts |
little fingers and little hearts asking |
Sabbath apples |
Sabbath feasts....thankful for provisions and abundance.....remembering those who are hungry...both physically and spiritually |