" Poor you, perhaps God doesn't want you to be happy." When Eve and Adam bought into this whisper-lie, another terrible lie came into the world.....It is the lie that I/we often choose to believe.
As I spent time thinking about the lie-whisperer....I realized how loud his whispers are in my life. Often, just like the world, the loudest voice wins. But, as I remember truth, I recall that the true victor in this story is the Still Small Voice. I am thankful for the new ways I have heard this Truth-Whisperer lately.
Next, we had some really sweet time putting things in our "asking" box. It is a prayer box given to our family by a dear friend. We each wrote things we wanted to talk to God about. It was rich...It was hard....we are asking..
Being intentional teachers with our children is more of a gift to me than them. I love what God uncovers as I share my heart and what He is showing. He is whispering...we are hearing. Today, has been a day of delight. Sabbath rest! I am thankful!
attentive and expectant hearts |
little fingers and little hearts asking |
Sabbath apples |
Sabbath feasts....thankful for provisions and abundance.....remembering those who are hungry...both physically and spiritually |